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Applying for a job online can be very tricky, and that is why we are here to help. Click here to check out our quick reference guide on how to apply for jobs in our career site, and thank us later!
Once your application is shortlisted, you will be contacted shortly by the recruiter assigned to the position you are applying for. The phone interview or the 1st round face-to-face interview will be carried out as an opportunity to find out more about your skills set, your experience and your motivations as well as to discuss the outlines of the proposed job and your prospects within the company.
You will soon meet and be interviewed by the line or hiring managers linked to the job you are applying for. Such interview will give you a clear picture of what the job will entail and what your new team might look like. In addition, it is an opportunity for you to discuss all aspects of your role and working environment.
If you arrive at this step, this means that you are just one step away from beginning your career journey with Chip Mong. The recruiter assigned to the position for which you are applying will make you an offer. If you accept it, your contract will be signed with the relevant Human Resources department.